Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mal Chance

A rough and quick over view of August 27-30 and why I some times believe my life sucks.

My day started off with waking up and doing tear down of camp with my boyfriend. It was quiet enjoyable, though we had a spat about wording and such. Blick.
I drove ma love to work, and battled in some pretty gnarly traffic. I go over to my dads and open up a wonderful piece of mail. Canadian Blood Services. Imay have Syphillis. LOVELY! I go to the doctor all spazy. At the same time I tell my boyfriend because he has a right to know (so he can get tested himself).
I'm sent for blood work, and told it could all be a giant error. I relax a bit. The car I'm driving's alarm wont turn off at all. Takes a few attempts of crashing computer in the car to make it work. Fun fun.
After dinner, I scoot home and chill for a while. Around 11 I embark on an adventure to find my buddy Kpres at SFU. We continue to Vancouver and enjoy coffeeon Kits beach by Bard on the Beach. It was refreshing till I sat in the goose poop.
Enroute home we stop off at Denny's for 3 30 am breakfastand then Pitt lake to watch the sun rise. Upon returningto the car, I have came to realize that my purse is MIA.Phone call after phone call after phone call. All mazedand retarded. I report, cancel, freeze, cry, deal it up.
After running everywhere, the car i'm driving gives up the ghost and crashes like a mo fo. The fuel shizz goeson it. LOVELY! So, my bff is poed at me, i feel like shitand i was up for 42 hours.
the next day I pay for my new id, wonder around Haney Place for a bit and scoot to my dads to pick upmy new cell! WOOT! I get home and chill. My buddy Josh comes over and we just hang out and grab my stuff. I get a massive migrain and prolong the enevitable journeyhome. I crash and sleep like the dead.
Only to be awoken by a text from my X wanting to c me after 10 months of being apart. T.T He's nice though.for once.... then I hear one of the kids up stairs in mystuff. I tell him out of it, and get up myself way too earlyjust to find that my cookies are gone. I go up stairs and confront him. The mother's not impressed. We go downstairs and start the overhaul on my suite. I find a chocolate bunny wrapper on the ground, and yet again thesame colporate. @.@
Head off to Ikea, get shelving and stuff. and go. I feel like crap due to the day before and cancel on myboyfriend's invite to a party and work on my suite instead.My friends Kevin and Josh come over and we get set to go on a hike!
Sunday, remake my reports, check everything, and get a callfrom rona and my old cell has been recovered! WIN!!!!
Go to Laurens to host her party. Went well. Karen gave me aride home. Almost fully recovered from the purse thing.
Talked to boyfriend about everything. Feeling better.Just need to see Bright and feel psycho, yet again.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I meet an interesting lady today. Her name is Marcia. She's 52.

She started to ask me questions because she noticed that I had an Ipod Nano. Odd way to make a friend, but it's me. She asked me a few questions about the device, technology, and me. After a while we just talked about everything under the sun. It was pretty nice. In my opinion, she was a dynamic, retro, inspiring woman that knows her stuff. She had a few dozen ideas that were just amazing.

I talked to her about Mom, my views of life, a few of my theologies, my goals, school, life situation, my illnesses, and even my wierd love for children. Ironically it all made sense to her. Or so she said :S

When it came time to say goodbye, she said that I was an interesting, animated, well rounded, young woman. This coming from a lady that has meet dozens upon dozens of people, I'm not going to be think she's bluffing. I made me feel wierd inside.

Mainly because we talked about social life. When I meet someone, I tell them straight up about myself. I give them all I've got. If they dont like the heat of the fire, get away. I am myself, don't change me because I am hapy with who I am. You can guide, encourage, and suggest. But you will not change me. I am me, and if you love me, you will love me for all that I am. Illness, family, stress, tears, mania, energy, and keener person that I am. If not, why bother? I'm not just going to be one person that's dull. That's not who you meet. I know it's not.

It was a personal growth. We talked about cognitive therapy. About youth. About life. Things that a few of my peers don't realy understand. Things that really I shouldn't understand.

At camp (jump topics!) I felt a little out of place. Given that I'm a leader, I felt that first off that's what I should be. But I was a youth, a Rover. So trying to develope that mind set was difficult. I got mixed a reviews about my age. The Ventures and Rovers thought I was 17/18 (hehe.. I fit right in...), and the leaders thought I was anywhere from 23-28 (a little old, but that's ok, just means I'm mature right?). It seemed like a great compliment. It means I have the two faces down pack. It also means that I've spent too much time being grown up and not enough being a kid. :P

I dont regret my life, and thats something that I have to stress. Because if I did, then, in a round about way, I'd regret being the person I am now. Because of Personal growth. Because it's part of what shaped me. I'm defining what spirituality means to me, given that it's a big part of Scouts (Scout's own). It's a little awkward but also very refreshing.

And all of this was discussed in far greater depth then what I have just typed of course. In 30 mins. I have Marcia's number, and she has mine. I feel another Abbey coming into my life. <3

(I dont discriminate people or friends due to age. Everyone has something to give, even if they dont know it.)

Thank you Marcia for taking the bold step to talk to me today.
